Corey Bailey
Audio Engineering
I do not receive any compensation, products or services from any of the vendors listed or linked here. This also includes elsewhere on this site. DISASTER RECOVERY AMIA: Association of Moving Image Archivists A wealth of information here, starting with some excellent articles on disaster recovery. SPECS Bros. specialize in the decontamination and restoration of audio and videotape. Besides offering transfer services, there is a lot of information here. Document Repoocessors specialize in the recovery of all types of media. TRANSFER SERVICES This is the the services directory of the membership of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). This is a downloadable PDF file. You should be able to find someone reasonably nearby who can help with your family recordings. USEFUL INFORMATION The Library of Congress Division of Recorded Sound. A wonderful example of our taxpayer dollars at work. You can spend hours here as the information is almost endless. Another example of our taxpayer dollars at work is the National Archives. Here you can learn how to preserve everything from photographs to audio recordings. Richard Hess is a well known, published authority on the preservation & restoration of all sorts of magnetic media although, he specializes in audio tape. His site contains a lot of information. Anyone who makes it through all of the pages should receive college credit. His Audio Tape Degradation page is here: Eddie Ciletti is a technical consultant who writes for several publications. This is his site and it is jam-packed with information. Check out his writings on audio tape decks and baking tape. ON-LINE ENCYCLOPEDIAS AND GLOSSARIES The Artifact Atlas was originally hosted by Stanford University. Now it is hosted by Github. You can look at video artifacts and listen to all manner of Analog and Digital Audio anomalies. This is Wikipedia, the online searchable encyclopedia. I have some friends in academia who look down their nose at Wikipedia because information can be posted here before being peer-reviewed. However, the information does eventually get peer-reviewed, and the mature technology I’m usually searching for is already well documented. SOME PRODUCTS AND SERVICES THAT I USE I have tried them all (I think) which, includes concocting all of the DIY solutions I could find. The products from The Disc Doctor work as well or better than anything I have tried. Supplier of everything that has to do with records. KAB is another supplier of everything that has to do with records including the custom rebuilding of Techniques turntables. This is the site for reel-to-reel test tapes for analog tape recorders. It is (sadly) the last of the places that make them in the US. There is a lot of information here that is written by the owner. The owner (Jay McKnight), posts regularly on various forums and I hope that he lives forever. The Last Factory makes products for analog tape as well as records. Here is a vacuum operated record cleaning machine that uses your wet/dry shopvac, if you have one. It’s very affordable and works surprisingly well. I have my own setup using this equipment and there are links to this site elsewhere on this website. Audio tape supplies. Audio tape (including MRL test tapes) and record supplies. Return to TOP of page © Corey Bailey Audio Engineering
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