Corey Bailey
Audio Engineering
The purpose of this site is to raise awareness to archive the audio, video recordings and pictures that contain your family history. Of prime importance is everything on magnetic media. Such as; audio cassettes, reel-to-reel tapes, digital audio on magnetic media, and all of your video tapes. The fact is, that they are deteriorating over time and some of them may not be playable now. Not only is the magnetic media degrading, but the equipment and expertise needed to retrieve those aging recordings is becoming more difficult to find. Still and moving pictures on photographic film (including negatives) can last considerably longer than your magnetic media when properly stored. However, they should be inspected periodically and eventually migrated to the digital realm as well. Some people will find old media that has been stored for years that may have family history on it and not know how to play it safely or not be able to play it. Please visit my Links page to find a vendor that is close to you or check out the articles section of this website for more information. Although this site is copyrighted, you are welcome to any information that is available here if you contact me. The information will be delivered as an email attachment, as a PDF. In the Articles pages, I write more in-depth about records and audio tapes. There is information about managing your analog audio collection plus other informative stuff. For example, there are some articles about digital file formats. Others about electronics or how to pack your valuable records for shipment. I write articles based on my experiences and reader feedback. Many of the articles were written a few years ago and have been updated. It is the Articles, Glossaries and Links pages that are always changing. So, stop by once in awhile or send me an E-mail with some suggestions. I have put together some simple glossaries that are specific to records, tapes, the digital domain, and some general terminology. The Links page is designed to help you with disaster recovery, find a vendor, learn more about audio, archival and restoration. There are also links to products and services at the end of many of the articles. Although there are several links to vendors, no income is derived from any of those links. There is no paid advertising and no annoying banners on any of the pages. That includes includes the grammatical mistakes, misspellings and typos. Any opinions expressed on this website, are strictly mine. Our hearts go out to the victims of the recent fires around L.A. Living in the hills of Southern California, we have been evacuated three times however, we have not lost anything. Return to TOP of page © Corey Bailey Audio Engineering
<<IF>> You are here because of recent water or smoke damage, please visit the Specs Bros website if your media has been damaged. More links to disaster recovery sites are on my links page
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